7 Social Media Tips For Up-and-Coming Musicians

January 7, 2019

For some people, social media is simply a fun way to keep up with friends and family, to share what's going on in their lives and sometimes even, to getting inspired. Others may prefer to stay off the social grid. But for aspiring or up-and-coming musicians, social media is one of the greatest tools for self promotion.

Why? If fans are looking to learn more about your music, they'll likely try to find your website, or access your tunes through sites like ReverbNation. But if your fans are looking to learn more about YOU, they'll turn to social media.

Social media has risen in popularity significantly over time and it shows no signs of slowing down. So here are some tips for increasing your social media presence (even if you're a musicians who'd rather do anything but).

  1. Make a plan. What do you want to use your social media accounts to say about you and your music? Decide what you plan to communicate on your profiles and gear your main messaging and posts towards that overall plan.

  2. Know where your fans are. Each social media channel offers its own space for special interest groups and conversations. Facebook, for example, offers groups and promotes events. Look at where conversations are taking place about your music and where your peers are hanging out. Likely, it’s in a space you will want to be a part of, too.

  3. Interact. All social media sites are built for interaction. You'll gain visibility for your social site by both following and liking pages that interest you and by interacting with content (where it makes sense to). Comment on Facebook posts you enjoy. Retweet twitter content you find informative. And share content often, but only in ways that support your brand.

  4. Learn from the best. Which musicians do you think do a good job promoting their music on social media? Use their profiles as references for how your social media content should look and sound. Don't copy them, but consider what you think is great about their posts and use that knowledge to influence what you put out there.

  5. Clean up your act. We all know the friend who has videos on his/her YouTube or Facebook that should just be taken down. Perhaps their videos of songs you’re no longer proud of, or pictures from your college days that don’t paint you in a good light. If you want your music to be taken seriously, get rid of any content that exists on your social pages that could put you in a bad light.

  6. Create consistency. As I was saying in #3, your social media posts should all reflect you and your personal brand. Having social sites designated for personal updates and connecting is fine, if used in moderation. But on the accounts you plan to use to promote your music, keep your posts consistent with your offerings and brand.

  7. Plan ahead. If you plan ahead, you can maximize your time on social media without having to make it a daily component of your life. Sites like Hootsuite and Buffer offer options to pre-schedule social posts and also give suggestions for the best times to post on each site, based on your industry and target audience.

Whether you’re a novice just looking to get started, or an active user of social media that could use some direction, I hope this tips are helpful.


Through Jenna Marie PR, I offer music promotions, marketing, writing and social media assistance to Minneapolis musicians and artists. To learn more, click here.