5 Ways You Can Help the Music Industry Right Now

Minnesota music PR services Jenna Marie PR

July 22, 2020

These are trying times for the Minnesota, national, and international music industries. Even the most iconic of Twin Cities music venues like First Avenue are struggling to stay afloat. With the Coronavirus still looming over the U.S. into the foreseeable future, the music industry has been forced to shift, reassess, and adapt in whatever way possible.

Music venues were some of the first establishments to close when the Coronavirus reached our communities in early March 2020, and they will likely be among the last to reopen. Industry employees are still without jobs, artists remain without gigs, and venues struggle to survive without revenue.

A recent article from npr.org notes that, according to a new survey of nearly 2,000 music professionals conducted by the National Independent Venue Association (NIVA), 90 percent of independent venue owners, promoters and bookers say they will have to close permanently within the next few months if they don’t get targeted government funding soon.

NIVA is urging congress to pass specific relief funding that could address their members’ needs. You can see their letter and sign their petition here! It just takes a few steps. And Music in Minnesota just launched a new “Value our Venues” fundraiser to support eight amazing music venues in the Twin Cities. You can donate to this fundraising effort here.

The industry needs fan support now more than ever. Here are five additional easy and quick ways you can help the music industry right now:

  1. Promote a local musician on your social media platforms. Better yet, give up your platform (on social or elsewhere!) to a musician you admire. Proclaim your love for their music, and help to promote them in whatever way you can.

  2. Tune in locally. If you tend to focus on more nationally-renowned musicians and artists, I challenge you to tune into the local scene. The Twin Cities is exploding with great musicians and artists. (Charlie Parr and Chris Koza’s latest albums have been on repeat at my house!) Tune into Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) for a taste of local talent.

  3. PAY artists. It is simple, really. Pay them however you are able to. Buy their music. Donate through any e-commerce sites they may have like Patreon. Buy their merchandise. Take a step back from streaming and purchase an album!

  4. Tune in and support artists’ live streaming efforts. Musicians are finding creative ways to perform virtually. Follow those you love and tune in to what they are sharing online whenever you can. And again, PAY them. If you would pay to see them live, you should be paying to see them virtually. Give what you can.

  5. Look into Covid-19 specific relief organizations to donate to, and crowdfunding sites to support. The Minnesota Music Coalition has a great list of MHC Covid-19 emergency resources listed here. Crowdfunding sites like GoFundMe and Kickstarter have multiple links to support venue and artist-specific funds.

The industry is currently experiencing unprecedented times, but we can band together to help to rebuild it. Perhaps, to an even stronger and better state than ever!

Music promotions twin cities Jenna Marie PR

A Note froM

Jenna marie PR

It’s been a blast supporting the music industry for the past four years by providing marketing and promotions assistance to Twin Cities musicians and artists!

As of July 2020, I am temporarily stepping back from my work with Jenna Marie PR in order to give more time and energy to other life and creative pursuits.

I plan to be back in early 2021 with revised creative offerings and resources. In the meantime, I’ll be here listening, loving and supporting this beautiful music community from a distance!

~ Jenna Marie PR