John Louis (Featured Artist - June '18)

June 18, 2018

In his latest album, Live at The Warming House, Minneapolis, MN, Minneapolis-based Americana/folk singer John Louis tells us a story of love and loss. He gives perspective on change, relationships and longing. Released in April, it's an album well worth listening to, and it's one that's granted Louis the "Featured Artist" title for June!

Recorded with just two mics and a live audience of approximately 45 people at Minneapolis' favorite listening venue, The Warming House, the album includes 11 new songs, plus two live takes of songs from his 2015 release, Drift. It’s part familiar Louis, part new.

"The songs were inspired by my life, friends' lives, my pondering, ups, downs, and observations of the past couple of years," said Louis. "Some songs are about recent events, some about things that happened 20 years ago, and some about things I heard about or know about from lives I intersect with."

Read my full album review on No Depression: John Louis' Latest Album Welcomes Listeners In, Gives Them Something to Think About


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Jenna Hedlund